ME-642 Advanced Mathematics for Mechanical Engineering
Credit Hours = 3
Review of general Mathematical techniques in Mechanical Engineering, Partial Differential Equations and Fourier Methods: Applications of PDEs and boundary-value problems, Heat equation, Linearity and homogeneity, Separation of variables and Fourier series, Fourier transforms Sturm Liouville problems and special functions. Complex analysis, Differentiation and integration over a complex domain, wave equation. Airy’s function, equation of diffusion and Taylor series applications, similarity solutions. Perturbation Theory and Asymptotic Approximations: Perturbation theory for algebraic equations, Regular perturbation theory, Asymptotic and uniformity, Stretched-time and two-time methods. Numerical Analysis: Numerical solution of non-linear equation through iteration, numerical integration and differentiation, Solution of linear systems, Gauss elimination, least square method, matrix eigen value problem.
- Zill D.G, Wright W.S, Advanced Engineering Mathematics, 7thEdition, Jones & Bartlett, 2020
- Erwin Kreyszig, Herbert Kreyszik, Advanced Engineering Mathematics, 10thedition, John Wiley and sons, 2019
- Bender C.M and Steven A.O, Advanced Mathematical Methods for Scientist and Engineers: Asymptotic Methods & Perturbation theory, 1st Edition, Springer, 2010