ME-641 Advanced Mechanical Vibration

ME-641 Advanced Mechanical Vibration

Credit Hours = 3


Formulation of Equation of motion for Single Degree of Freedom systems under free and harmonically excited vibration under damped and undamped systems. Forced vibration with Coulomb and Hysteresis damping. Transfer function approach, solution using Laplace transform, Frequency transfer functions. Two Degree of Freedom spring mass systems under free and forced vibration, self-excitation and stability analysis. Modelling of multi degree of freedom systems, equation of motion using Newtons Second Law of Motion and Langrage Equation, Potential and kinetic energy expressions in matrix forms, Eigen Value problem and solution of Eigen Value problem, Self-excitation for multi degree of freedom systems. Natural frequencies and mode shapes, Rayleigh’s Method, Properties of Rayleigh’s Quotient, Computation of Fundamental Natural Frequency, Fundamental Frequency of Beams and Shafts, Continuous systems, Equation of motion for transverse vibration in continuous string or cable


  1. Singiresu S Rao, “Mechanical Vibration”, 6th Edition, 2018
  2. Jan R Wright, “Introduction to Aircraft Aeroelasticity and Loads”, 2nd Edition, Wiley, 2015