ME-638 Unconventional Water Resources in Engineering

ME-638 Unconventional Water Resources in Engineering

Credit Hours = 3


Unconventional engineering approaches for SDG fulfilment, SDG 6 and conventional water resource management, carbon footprint of water, Economic circularity of water and energy intensity, Water generation vs water purification, Air Conditioning Condensate Recovery, Fog Water Harvesting, Atmospheric Water Generation, Metal Organic Frameworks, Hydrogels, Biomimetics for water harvesting, Rain Enhancement through Artificial Cloud Seeding, Micro-Catchment Rainwater Harvesting, Deep Onshore And Offshore Fresh-Brackish Groundwater, Municipal Wastewater, Effluent Treatment Plants, Black-grey composition and conversion, Agricultural Drainage Water, Water transportation through glacier tow, Ballast Water, Net-zero desalination strategies, Storm water management and gutter power generation.


  1. Manzoor Qadir, Vladimir Smakhtin, Sasha Koo-Oshima, Edeltraud Guenther , “Unconventional Water Resources”, Springer, 2022.
  2. E. W. Bob Boulware, “Alternative Water Sources and Wastewater Management”, McGraw Hill, 2013.