
Students of the Mechanical Engineering Department at NED University gain practical experience through mandatory internships, which are integral to their undergraduate education. These internships span various sectors, including automobile, manufacturing, aviation, consultancy, conventional power generation, renewable energy, oil and gas, steel industries, and research and development. By engaging in hands-on work, students apply theoretical knowledge to real-world challenges, enhancing their understanding and skills. In the automobile industry, they might work on vehicle design and manufacturing processes, while in manufacturing, they gain insights into production systems and quality control. The aviation sector offers experience in aircraft maintenance and aerospace engineering. Internships in the energy sector involve working on renewable energy projects and power systems, while those in oil and gas focus on the exploration and production processes. Additionally, research and development internships provide opportunities to contribute to cutting-edge technological advancements. These internships not only prepare students for the professional world but also help them build networks and gain a competitive edge in their careers. Through these diverse experiences, Mechanical Engineering students at NED University are well-equipped to tackle the dynamic challenges of the engineering industry upon graduation.

Students internship records are given below:

The following figure represents the distribution of industrial sectors in which students of Batch 2018 and 2019 have completed their internships, highlighting the diversity of opportunities available.