SK-401 Working Under Pressure, Emotional Intelligence & Multi-tasking


Credit Hours = 0
Contact Hours = 3


S. No. CLOs Taxonomy
1 Pay attention to one’s own emotional health and make effective measures to boost it Affective
Level 1*
2 Conform to various techniques to keep stress at bay and maintain one’s emotional and physical health Affective
Level 2*


  • Define Emotional Intelligence (EI): Students will learn about the concept of emotional intelligence, its description and importance in their professional world.
  • Identify the benefits of EI: Students will learn about the benefits and advantages of EI and how it can play an effective role in their professional lives.
  • Learn the four core skills required to practice EI: Students will learn the art of mastering four core skills necessary to become an emotionally intelligent person. This person is able to deliver the work on time, handle pressure effectively and serve as a great team leader and player.
  • Define and practice self-management, self-awareness, self-regulation, self-motivation and empathy: Knowing one-self is the first step towards becoming an emotionally intelligent person. Students will learn how to cope-up with stress in the work environment and handle pressure from colleague and work.
  • Successfully communicate with others in a non-verbal manner: Body language of an EI person communicates power, confidence and self-respect. Students will learn how to effectively communicate these traits through their body language.
  • Interpret and manage your emotions: Managing your emotions becomes important in stressful environments. Students will learn to regulate their emotions effectively and channel it into constructive energy.
  • Mastering tools to regulate and gain control of one’s emotions: Student will learn various techniques to get hold over their emotions.
  • Use the concept and techniques in the workplace: Now all techniques are learned, it is necessary to incorporate them in a professional environment. Students will learn to apply these techniques during their job.

*For details of Taxonomy Levels CLICK HERE!