ME-546 Energy Planning


Credit Hours = 3


  • Energy Economics and Planning: Energy economics. The nature and causes of the energy problems. The magnitude of the problems: present and future. Demand-side issues: determinants; interfueld substitution. Supply-side issues: commercial energy determinants; traditional energy determinants; externalities. Policy issues: pricing policies; distribution issues; energy balances; formulation and execution.
  • National energy statistics: Definitions of primary, secondary, delivered and useful energy. Problems of interpolation and comparison of energy statistics.
  • Rural Energy Planning: Patterns of energy demand and supply. Socioeconomic aspects of energy use. Survey methods. Identifying potential solution to needs. Matching solutions to needs. Project planning, monitoring and evaluation.
  • Financial Evaluation Projects: Project analysis and financial appraisal: discounted cash flow. concept of time preference discount rates. Inflation and interest rates. Project evaluation in terms of present values and internal.


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