ME-545 Renewable Energy


Credit Hours = 3


  • Biomass Resources and Conversion: Biomass resources and use for energy. Direct combustion; stove and furnace design Thermochemical conversion; pyrolysis (Charcoal), gasification, liquid fuels. Biochemical conversion; anaerobic digestion, fermentation to alcohol. Physical processing; briquetting, Combustion process. Use of biomass derived fuels in engines.
  • Hydro Resources (Micro-Hydropower and Pumps): Active and passive components in hydraulic systems and energy transfer. Hydraulic machine types; positive displacement and rotodynamic. Affinity laws and specific speed related to rotodynamic machines, Mini and micro hydro. Turbine types. Pumps run as turbines. End use applications. site evaluations. Hydrological information. Specific aspects of plant design and installation. Water powered pumping devices. Free current water wheels and turbines. Hydraulic ram pumps. Electrical machines.
  • Solar Energy Resources and Conversion: Solar radiation: passage through the atmosphere; geometry; amount available on earth; solar data. Solar thermal collectors: glazing, evacuation, selective surfaces, concentrators. Solar thermal applications: water and space heating; solar ponds, dryers; distillation. Principles of photovoltaic cells, batteries and inventors. Photovoltaic systems and applications: system sizing; water pumping; lighting and domestic systems; refrigeration.
  • Wind Energy Resources and Conversion: Wind statistics: wind velocity duration distribution. Historical overview. Horizontal axis and vertical axis wind turbine types. Actuator disc model. Betz performance limit. Effects of solidity, tip speed ration and lift / drag ratio. Practical design considerations. Energy output and its dependence on rated wind speed. Shut down speed. Electricity generating wind turbines and their system integration.


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