Prominent Alumni

The Mechanical Engineering Department has produced numerous distinguished alumni worldwide. These individuals have made significant contributions to the engineering community and society. They serve as role models for engineering graduates and undergraduate students and their career journeys provide valuable guidance for them. Some notable graduates include:




Mr. Syed Imran Ali
Deputy CEO  Bureau Veritas Pakistan

Mr. Shareef Noor
CEO Creative Engineering Solutions

Mr. Syed Muhammad Daniyal
Managing Director / CEO Siemens Pakistan Engineering Co. Ltd

Mr. Ahsan Zafar Syed

President & CEO Engro Corporation

Mr. Muhammad Baseeruddin
CEO 3D Consultech

Mr. Shamsuddin Skeikh
CEO National Resources Limited

Mr. Bilal Siddiqui
CEO Woot Tech

Mr. Syed Taha
Managing Director / CEO Pakistan State Oil

Mr. Asad Hasssan
CEO National Refinery Limited

Mr. Tariq Ahmed Khan
Sr. Director Indus Motor Company

Mr. Muhammad Zubair
Partner Razzaq Associates
Mr. Taufiq Bilwani CEO Gatron Industries

Mr. Fahim Siddiqui
CEO Fahim, Nanji & deSouza (FND)  (Pvt.) Limited
Mr. Syed Sajid Hussain Director Peoples steel Mill

Mr. Abbas Sajid
CEO Engineering Services

Mr. Shakir Ali
Plant Head Attock Cement Pakistan Limited